Bar Soap or Liquid Soap?

As a confessed marketing madman who thinks different, I’m always pondering branding strategies, marketing messages, hot products, and changing business trends. One of the rambling thoughts I’ve pondered recently is the movement to use liquid soap instead of bar soap. Clearly this is today’s soap trend.

I grew up on bar soap. We used Zest, Dial or the ever-popular Irish Spring. I can still remember their commercial noting in a “precious” Irish accent that: With two deodorants… it get’s a strong man fresh! Click here for this 1979 classic. Check out that chest hair! Are you kidding me?

Liquid soap is a brilliant example of marketing for the companies who make it. It’s much more expensive and you go through it faster. This is a trend that just wasn’t around as I was growing up. However, my 16-year-old son would never think about using bar soap. It’s not part of his culture. He is typically drawn to the “manly” liquid soaps like AXE or Old Spice. However, whenever the Juicy Pomegranate & Mango Infusions soap is available, the stuff disappears. What ingenious product/marketing team came up with this scent combination? Even I am seduced by the smell and the “real extract of pomegranate,” “natures anti-oxidant rich fruit” with “moisture beads.” It’s intoxicating! But geez…it’s soap!!

Click here for a video that shows you what happens in my house with liquid soap and my crazy son.

Another trend in recent years is bagged lettuce. It’s just lettuce cut up in a bag, but we pay much more for the convenience of not cutting the lettuce. It’s worthwhile to keep this in mind as we ponder clients who we “think” won’t pay for the convenience of dealing with a promotional products professional. We will save them time and bring the value added benefits of offering effective branding solutions. It’s not always about price. Bagged lettuce goes to prove that as a society, we WILL pay for convenience.

Clearly we are living in rapidly changing times. There is a big focus on social media which is a valuable communication tool. But… just as we start to get a handle on Facebook and Twitter, along comes Google+ and now Pinterest? It’s tough to keep up!

While it’s important that we are engaged in emerging marketing trends, we shouldn’t forget about proven effective business-building tools that are readily available. To address this concept, Charles Duggan II, MAS is presenting a beta test webinar to launch the new FreePromoTips SuccessTracks education program. The session is entitled Ways to Grow Your Business Using Old Fashion Ways… NOT Social Media.

Charles shares that he recently went to the hardware store to get a new drill. There were many options. Corded, cordless, extra battery life, etc. He knew that he was going to invest a lot cash to get the drill that fit all his needs. He wondered if he really needed all those features? The reality was that he didn’t need a drill at all, what he really needed was a hole. We need the right tools to build our business, but it’s as simple as just getting the hole drilled.

According to Chet Holmes book “The Ultimate Sales Machine” there are three ways to increase your sales: Get more clients; Get clients to buy more; Get clients to buy more frequently. In his webinar Charles will take a closer look at these concepts.

The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, May 2nd 12:00 p.m. EST (9:00 a.m. PST) The first people who sign up and attend the webinar will receive a FREE sample kit from M-i Line. The first 5 people will get a FREE self promo order of The World’s Best Pizza Cutter. FreePromoTips SuccessTracks! is brought to you by: Fields Manufacturing, Prime Line, Warwick and Newton Manufacturing.

Click here to register for this informative free session!

It doesn’t matter if your preference is bar soap or liquid soap or if you chop your own lettuce or not. I assume that you would make the right choice to do whatever it takes to generate build your business. Old ways, new ways… it doesn’t really mater. What does mater is that you take the initiative to be as effective as you can to stand apart from your competition and increase sales.

Jeff Solomon, MAS is affiliated with a large distributor company. The website and e-newsletters he publishes are packed with beneficial information and exclusive FREE offers from a few forward-thinking supplier companies. Don’t miss out on what’s happening! Opt in to receive their e-newsletters! LIKE their page on Facebook and follow them on twitter.

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